Select a matrix file that contains tab-delimited data and optional metadata:
Matrix data may be in 3-, 4-, 5- or more columns:
First row contains names of x-, y-, and z-axes (e.g., "PC1", "PC2", "PC3" etc.).
Subsequent rows contain numerical coordinates of data points.
The same rules apply as in 3-column input, except that the fourth column of the first row contains the keyword "Name".
The "Name" column contains the names of data points. Names do not need to be unique.
5- or more columns
Same rules as with 4-column input. The first row of the fifth and subsequent columns assign the category name to that column (e.g., "Lineage", "Tissue", or any other classifications).
The category column contains subcategory names; ideally, a subcategory should be uniquely named, though there is no limit on the number of subcategories (other than the number of data points).
Names of axes, points, categories and subcategories can include Unicode characters, such as mathematical symbols or glyphs containing non-Roman characters.